LATEST UPDATE: As many are aware, One Soma Global’s Ministry house is complete and looking fabulous! A shout out again, to every hand, every dollar, and most especially, every prayer by everyone, in partnering with the Lord to make this happen.
Right now we are all leaning into the Lord for guidance in moving toward Phase #2.
Sierra and Douglas just returned from an intense leadership conference in Brazil. There they are being further equipped to lead teams and to train other leaders for missions that bring salvation, healing and deliverance throughout the world, in Jesus’ name!
Will you please pray and continue to stand with us for:
* Clarifying the vision and the steps of One Soma Global’s “The Landing”.
* For the Lord to guide us into the next season.
* And, we pray for the “Voice of the Apostles” and for all of us in the Body of Christ to have the revelation that WE ARE ALREADY IN REVIVAL!
The Landing Project
In April of 2022, God once again opened an incredible door for One Soma to step through. A property located at 215 N. 16th Street Durant, OK was put on our radar as the possibility of a hub for outreach and discipleship. When our president and founder, Sierra Kinnamon, heard about this property she said, “That would be impossible unless it was God.”
Of course, nothing is too big or impossible for God.
Through a series of impossible circumstances, we officially closed on the property in July of 2022 and are excited about what the future holds! We started One Soma out of a word from the Lord and a desire to see the body of Christ connected. Since 2015, we have seen a part of this mission fulfilled through our Kids’ home in the nation of Nepal and now God is opening a door for this mission to continue right here in our hometown of Durant, Oklahoma. We know this project cannot be completed without the help of our community!
Property Name and Vision:
The name “The Landing” holds multiple meanings for this property and is all a part of the vision we see God opening for our community through One Soma. This property will become the home base for our ministry, so as believers come and go into the nations, we get to offer them a landing place. We believe this property will be a landing place for those looking for freedom, a landing place for those seeking discipleship, a landing place for those who serve our community, and ultimately a landing place for the Holy Spirit to impact lives.
When we purchased the property, it was overgrown and falling apart. Many said it was beyond repair. As we see this property transform over the course of this project, it is our prayer it will be a prophetic symbol of what is possible in the life of every individual. No one is beyond repair, sometimes they just need a landing place to heal.
This project will take place over the course of several years and has been broken down into the following phases:

Phase 1: Ministry House ($86,000)
The first phase of our project is to build out the ministry home on the property. Behind the main building is a 1000-square-foot building that was used by the previous owners for storage. We will renovate the space into a home for someone to reside on the property while the rest of the construction is completed and take care of the grounds.

Phase 2: Exterior Updates ($70,000)
The second phase is needed to secure the main building. This will include replacing all the windows and exterior doors, power washing the building, some landscaping, signage, parking lot and sidewalk repair.

Phase 3: Main Building (TBD)
After the first two phases are complete, we will begin remodeling the first and second floors of the main building. Here is a tentative overview of what each floor will be used for:
- First Floor (Top level): There will be several office spaces that will be leased out for small businesses in town, non-profit organizations, and a large conference space. The income from these offices will be used to help fund our projects overseas, such as water wells and discipleship material translation. This floor will also contain our prayer chapel, which will be a place solely dedicated to prayer and worship overlooking the community of Durant.
- Second Floor (Main level): This space will be leased out as a coffee shop for hosting community events and creating a place for those within our community to come and connect. We desire to eventually have a licensed counselor on staff who can connect with those coming in and out of our building that needs connecting and counsel. We want to create an environment that welcomes college students and those who otherwise may not step foot in a church building.
- Third Floor (Basement): This space will be designed to host missions teams coming into our community to serve on short-term trips. We will have two male and female dormitory-style rooms, a kitchen and dining area, shower rooms, and a private room that can host missionaries and ministers as they come into town.

Phase 4: Property Next Door (TBD)
Directly beside our current property is a vacant building we are believing to own soon. We foresee this being a place for a Men’s Discipleship Program. This would be a program modeled after the LA Dream Center’s discipleship program helping those stuck in addiction encounter Jesus and be set free. We want to equip these men with practical life skills, while equipping them spiritually.